NERO CLAUDIUS CAESAR AUGUSTUS GERMANICUS ( Born AD 37 and died (suicide) 68AD (at 31 years old). He ruled from 54 to 68 AD, and was the last of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. NERO was adopted by his grand-uncle Claudius (in 50 AD, at only 13 yrs old) and became heir and successor to his father's (Claudius) throne in 54 AD. Many historians believe that Claudius was poisoned by Nero's mother-Agrippina (Claudius' wife, which was also his niece). Claudius became Emperor after his nephew (Caligula) was murdered during a revenge raid (he survived it by hiding behind a large curtain). So Nero was son from Aggrippina (mother) from her previous marriage. She convinced her new husband Claudius to name her son (not Claudius' natural son from his previous marriage) as the heir to the throne (named successor). He's also known for serving up the head of his ex-wife to his new wife upon their marriage as a requested gift (by the new wife). But, he later killed his new wife, by kicking her to death while she was pregnant, in a fit of rage.
COMP: "LOWER GRADE XF" SOLD $16,450 Auction AUGUST 2014!!! (Much more common variety as well)
NERO (perhaps the most famous of all the 12 CAESARS) began the First ROMAN – JEWISH WAR in 66AD. Of course, this is the same war that Vespasian finished and raided Jerusalem of it's relics and artifacts and (approx. 12,000 Jews) to build the famous "Colosseum."
He is infamously known as the Emperor who "fiddled while Rome burned." He played his Lire from a nearby tower while he watched, reportedly as if he was entertained. In 64 AD, most of Rome was destroyed in the Great Fire of Rome, which many Romans believed Nero himself had started in order to clear land (he confiscated over a Third of Rome) for his planned palatial complex, the Domus Aurea (house of GOLD), which took 4 years to construct and encompassed over 200 acres of downtown Rome (a 150 room wing still survives today beneath the city). This house of Gold was built with the publics money and also by slaves. Slavery was very common at that time (not a new concept by any means). Theres were white slaves, actually one of every 3 people in the city of Rome were slaves. Nero blamed a new religious cult, called the Christians, for the fire. Nero only lived in the Domus Aurea for a few months before the rebellion in 68AD. The rebellion of Vindex in Gaul and later the acclamation of Galba in Hispania drove Nero from the throne. Facing a false report of being denounced as a public enemy who was to be executed, he committed suicide on 9 June 68 (the first Roman emperor to do so).[3] His death ended the Julio-Claudian Dynasty, sparking a brief period of civil wars known as the Year of the Four Emperors. Nero's rule is often associated with tyranny and extravagance (decadent tyranny).[4] He is known for many executions, including that of his mother in AD 59, only 5 years after he became emperor, he was only 21yrs. old (she told the guards that came to murder her upon her son's orders, "place your sword here in my womb that bore my son the emperor"). It's believed that he had his mother killed because she had ideas of co-empror of Rome for herself, which is why she murdered her husband (Claudius) and Nero couldn't take her controlling and overbearing presence any longer. Also, the probable murder by poison of his stepbrother Britannicus as well. Once he was convicted as being an enemy of the state and a very horrible execution was enacted he committed suicide by slitting his own throat, with his LAST WORDS BEING, "What an Artist dies in me."
NERO CLAUDIUS CAESAR AUGUSTUS GERMANICUS ( Born AD 37 and died (suicide) 68AD (at 31 years old). He ruled from 54 to 68 AD, and was the last of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. NERO was adopted by his grand-uncle Claudius (in 50 AD, at only 13 yrs old) and became heir and successor to his father's (Claudius) throne in 54 AD. Many historians believe that Claudius was poisoned by Nero's mother-Agrippina (Claudius' wife, which was also his niece). Claudius became Emperor after his nephew (Caligula) was murdered during a revenge raid (he survived it by hiding behind a large curtain). So Nero was son from Aggrippina (mother) from her previous marriage. She convinced her new husband Claudius to name her son (not Claudius' natural son from his previous marriage) as the heir to the throne (named successor). He's also known for serving up the head of his ex-wife to his new wife upon their marriage as a requested gift (by the new wife). But, he later killed his new wife, by kicking her to death while she was pregnant, in a fit of rage.
COMP: "LOWER GRADE XF" SOLD $16,450 Auction AUGUST 2014!!! (Much more common variety as well)
NERO (perhaps the most famous of all the 12 CAESARS) began the First ROMAN – JEWISH WAR in 66AD. Of course, this is the same war that Vespasian finished and raided Jerusalem of it's relics and artifacts and (approx. 12,000 Jews) to build the famous "Colosseum."
He is infamously known as the Emperor who "fiddled while Rome burned." He played his Lire from a nearby tower while he watched, reportedly as if he was entertained. In 64 AD, most of Rome was destroyed in the Great Fire of Rome, which many Romans believed Nero himself had started in order to clear land (he confiscated over a Third of Rome) for his planned palatial complex, the Domus Aurea (house of GOLD), which took 4 years to construct and encompassed over 200 acres of downtown Rome (a 150 room wing still survives today beneath the city). This house of Gold was built with the publics money and also by slaves. Slavery was very common at that time (not a new concept by any means). Theres were white slaves, actually one of every 3 people in the city of Rome were slaves. Nero blamed a new religious cult, called the Christians, for the fire. Nero only lived in the Domus Aurea for a few months before the rebellion in 68AD. The rebellion of Vindex in Gaul and later the acclamation of Galba in Hispania drove Nero from the throne. Facing a false report of being denounced as a public enemy who was to be executed, he committed suicide on 9 June 68 (the first Roman emperor to do so).[3] His death ended the Julio-Claudian Dynasty, sparking a brief period of civil wars known as the Year of the Four Emperors. Nero's rule is often associated with tyranny and extravagance (decadent tyranny).[4] He is known for many executions, including that of his mother in AD 59, only 5 years after he became emperor, he was only 21yrs. old (she told the guards that came to murder her upon her son's orders, "place your sword here in my womb that bore my son the emperor"). It's believed that he had his mother killed because she had ideas of co-empror of Rome for herself, which is why she murdered her husband (Claudius) and Nero couldn't take her controlling and overbearing presence any longer. Also, the probable murder by poison of his stepbrother Britannicus as well. Once he was convicted as being an enemy of the state and a very horrible execution was enacted he committed suicide by slitting his own throat, with his LAST WORDS BEING, "What an Artist dies in me."