Here's a good example of the returns that can be made in rare collectibles, this coin was purchased for $2,000 back in 1981 (that's the original receipt) and just sold in excess of $1,400,000 (we have countless examples like this). This industry/ investment isn't a 'get rich quick scheme' like the stock market; it requires time, patience and countless hours of research. That being said it also doesn't have near the amount of risk as the markets, as long as you do thorough.... THOROUGH research (not just dozens of hours but hundreds of hours) your downside is extremely limited and your upside has potentially insane returns! I always just with friends in the market that they can wake up tomorrow and the stock they have can plummet or the business can go completely bankrupt over night! They live in an extremely stressful environment of volatility (they can sky rocket over night too, I know) but waking up everyday having none of these worries is priceless. These investments only go up as long as theres never a need for liquidation due to a financial bind and forced to liquidate.