Mexico 8 Escudos 1701-13 "1715 Plate Fleet Shipwreck" NGC 61
MEXICO 1701-13 8 ESCUDOS NGC 61 “1715 FLEET” PIRATE GOLD COINS SHIPWRECK TREASURE This Large 8 Escudos is nearly perfectly round and has a FULL Shield and Assayer & Mint (oXMJ) and part of the denomination. The Reverse Cross is just Stunning! Both Large Cross Variety of the early issue “Templar Cross” Cross of Lorainne with most of the Tressure! The colors are very pretty, like a butter butterscotch. To find a Large 8 Escudos from a Shipwreck (1715 FLEET) but then to find in MINT STATE is very infrequent. There’s another piece listed for almost $18,000 in the same grade, so this FULL Weight (27gm) is a Rip of a Treasure!
'Click Here to read more about 1715 Plate Fleet Shipwreck'
'Click Here to read more about 1715 Plate Fleet Shipwreck'