Atocha/ Santa Margarita Gold Chain 183 Links 25cm 1622 Shipwreck Treasure
ATOCHA / SANTA MARGARITA GOLD CHAIN 183 LINKS - 25cm (approx 10”) 1622 SHIPWRECK TREASURE MEL FISHER This incredible Gold Chain Artifact from the Famed Capitana (lead Galleon) “SANTA MARGARITA” (the sister ship to the Atocha, which was the Almaranta (rear guard Galleon) was within eye sight of the Atocha (when the Santa Margarita went down in 1622). * Artifact # 81–M–548 as listed on the TREASURE SALVORS COA (by Mel Fisher and crew). This high finess Gold Chain has 183 LINKS! It’s a Class Factor 10! It was found (June 1982) 3-4 years prior to the motherland on the Atocha. The actual “Diver’s TAG” is included with this piece. An incredible piece of History, which appraises at $9,750 by the Mel Fisher’s Treasures, LLC.